04 April 2010

Alien Palace Birdhouse Collection

De Appel arts centre, Amsterdam, presents a new project by the Finnish artist, Otto Karvonen. In ‘Alien Palace’, Karvonen has taken the tense political climate in the Netherlands, the complex debate with regard to immigration and integration, and the position of the ‘stranger’ as the starting point for a new sculptural project. The collection consists of six birdhouses that were specially developed for migrating birds in Amsterdam. In general birdhouses have a welcoming character and are made of warm, natural materials, but Karvonen has opted for cement, aluminium and stainless steel. The harsh aesthetics of his designs are derived from various Dutch detention centres for asylumseekers.

From 24 March these birdhouses will be hung from streetlights in the Vondelpark, close to the Filmmuseum.

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