29 November 2007

Geoffrey Cottenceau

This is already my third mention of Geoffrey Cottenceau. I have to conclude I am a fan.

I have discovered his portfolio website here.

28 November 2007

Underground warnings

Don't you think it is odd that the London Underground puts these figures out in the open? I wonder if that's typically British..
These posters are only three out of a bigger series. It adds up to a terrifying number of accidents. Scary!

The posters are designed by Anthony Burrill.

07 November 2007

Rene Knip

I always enjoy seeing René Knip's posters for the Concertgebouworkest in the streets of Amsterdam.

René Knip

01 November 2007

Corporate Design Publications

I love good information design, so I was immediately attracted to the Corporate Design series. These books are developed for the students of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd because of a lack of analytical literature about corporate design. Authors Julia Laub and Carolin Oelsner were so nice to offer the first two issues to download here. But the printed set is definitely worth buying!

(via Swissmiss)